Online LEGO® Toys
Although nothing beats playing with the real thing, this area is devoted to those Web pages which I consider to be similar to electronic versions of "toys" online. Todd Lehman's Fibblesnork Random LEGO Name Generator is a perfect example. The Official LEGO web-site has also recently provided some goodies. A while back, I imagined a few such places which I thought would be fun to visit. The first one to make it here is The Minifig Generator. It uses JavaScript 1.1, so please be aware that Netscape Navigator 3.0 is required for viewing.
Also, although not as "toy-like" in nature, I am including my Desktop Patterns in this area. I made them for my Macintosh computer, so PC users interested in them will have to do some converting or use Netscape Navigator to "Make Wallpaper" from the files.
LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site. (This is an Unofficial page, not to be confused with the Official page.) |