Change of Location

Website content formerly located at now resides at Please update any links or bookmarks. I'll be adding content to in the near future, and changing a few things. But the following URL's should remain correct through the reconstruction:

The Minifig Generator:

Legopolis Online (the minifig ISP):

Collection Enrichment Kits (CEKs):

Wondering why things have moved?

Well, when I registered "," I didn't think I was wrong in doing so. I was a little nervous that the Lego Group might contact me, but I didn't think there was anything legally wrong with taking the name, as it wasn't one of their known registered trademarks. I went ahead without asking LEGO what they thought.

Months later I found myself in a meeting with their legal professionals. They explained to me, very nicely, why they wished for me to cease using the domain. They also described some potential negative consequences to them should they have failed to approach me about it. They answered any questions I had, and gave me plenty of time. Now I understand what trademark dilution is and why it's bad. I certainly would not want any such harm come to the makers of my favorite toy!

By contacting me, Lego demonstrated their readiness to defend the strength of their trademark -- in this case, in an internet domain name. My abandoning is part of the larger symbolic and legal protection of their mark. It could have come to more serious legal action, but I was happy to cooperate.

So, if you had your heart set on registering a special domain for that loved one at Christmas, such as:
or whatever ..

you may want to think twice.

The Lego Group's Fair Play document is located on their official website.

- Suzanne D. Rich